Application / Web-based operation
Simply deploy the application securely
Our web technology ensures that your digital management system is always highly available, secure, and accessible. Technically fully integrated with your system environment. Operated on your corporate intranet or as software-as-a-service in our

Web-based software solutions - Made in Germany
Benefit from the expertise of a technology pioneer. Since April 2001, we have been offering N5 Solutions worldwide as a purely web-based standard software solution. All processes, from conception to design, development and testing, take place at our locations in Stuttgart and Attendorn. And the developments do not stop there. With new areas of application and our interfaces for AI-based translation services as well as generatively learned language models, we are breaking new ground together with our customers for the further development of the digital management system.
Browser-based working and reading
N5-Solutions are used exclusively via a browser of your choice. No special software applications are required on the user's computer.
Database-based model maintenance
All content in your management system is stored in a structured database. This includes all files that are managed as applicable information.
Embedded in the system environment
Leverage your organization's sources, including integration with Microsoft SharePoint® or within Teams®. Integration with third-party applications is possible in many cases.
Responsive Design
Whether you are using a desktop computer or a tablet, N5-solutions adapt to the screen size for an optimal user experience.
Linked user management
Protected yet accessible access is provided through interfaces to your network. Standards include Single Sign-On (SSO via O-Auth 2.0) or LDAP.
AI-assisted content generation
Language models already help you generate relevant content and ensure the best possible translation quality. The integration of the DeepL API is just one example of this.
Choose your operating model
When using N5 Solutions, operation and data storage are crucial for the availability, security and integration of your management system. You have the choice of operating N5 Solutions on your premises (on-premise) or in our PDCA-360° Cloud (SaaS model). Nothing prevents you from switching between these models in the future. You have the flexibility to choose the model that best suits your organization.
Operating resources
Provision and scaling of database and (virtual) application server according to technical data sheet by customer.
Initial deployment of the N5-solutions
Remote installation by our support.
Update of the N5-Solutions
Partially automated update process by the customer.
Monitoring of the operation
By the customer with possibilities for automated notification to our support team.
Backup and recovery
By the customer with optional (possibly chargeable) assistance by our support staff.
Compliance and security
Ensured by the customer; encryption of the domain, e-mail dispatch, LDAP or O-Auth and the data connection from the application to the DB is carried out by the customer in the N5-Solutions.
PDCA-360° Cloud
Operating resources
Provision and scaling of database and application server in German data center by our support team.
Initial deployment of N5-Solutions
Through our support.
Update of the N5-Solutions
Fully automatic update process through our support.
Monitoring of the operation
Through our support with notification of the customer in case of malfunctions.
Backup and recovery
Daily backup and free recovery by us.
Compliance and security
ISO/IEC 27001 certified operation in German data center; encryption of the domain, the e-mail dispatch as well as the data connection from application to DB is done by us.
More digital management system
Suitable for all employees, tasks, requirements, company sizes, languages, industries and budgets
Complete toolbox
Everything inside that you need to plan, apply, analyze and improve your management system.
5x depth effect
More system, method, activity, digital transformation and acceptance for your management system.
Affordable price models
We believe your digital management system should cost no more than a cappuccino per employee per month.
Global harmony
Work in more than 20 languages and harmonize processes and documents globally across multiple process landscapes.
All from one source! Designed, developed and supported in Germany - since 2001
Web-based software
Choose the stylish and highly available solution. Thanks to 100% web-based and responsive design, N5 solutions look good everywhere. On any device, in any browser and in more than 20 languages.
Developed in Stuttgart, Germany - operated at your site or in our PDCA-360 cloud.

Process-oriented method
Learn what "turtles", the "Highlander" and the "Swabian sweeper week" have to do with process-oriented management systems.
Discover how processes, documents, organizational units, people, functions, audits, measures and much more are connected. Experience the N5-Solutions with the 5-fold depth effect for more
system, method, perspective, activity and acceptance.
Integrated management system
Arm yourself against the flood of requirements and benefit from the experience of our QM-Unity.
QM, UM, AS, GoB, IS and and and - with the N5-Solutions you can harmonize everything in no time.
Whether large or small. Whether local or global.
We are convinced that we have the right solution for you. Also in terms of price. Give it a try!